
Tuesday, August 26, 2014

All in a days fun.

So recently I've been trying to check off a lot of my "to do's". I've had some pieces sitting in the garage that needed painting and we had a decent day weather wise so I decided to tackle that project. I debated what to do with the kids. Leave them to run crazy in the house, zombie them out with a cartoon, or do what they asked and let them play outside. The only reason I feared #3 was because we had gotten some rain recently and we do not have a lawn as of yet. So after lining them up and explaining some "rules" basically play nice and STAY OUT OF THE MUD, I set them loose. 

I pulled out my recently bought paints and chose my color and got to work.
 I look out the garage and see the boys hovering around a nearby mud puddle. I remind them of the rules and get reassured that they are just "fishing". Deep down I already know where this is going...

The next time I look out to check on them, can you believe they just accidently fell in? "Not on purpose mom!" That was their story and they were sticking to it. I wonder if their shoes had fallen off prior to entering the mud accidently too.

By the time I had finished that one little shelf I had something bigger to clean up than my paint brush.

And yes, Brett is holding a toad. Poor creature...


  1. Oh My goodness this post made my day...I haven't smiled this much in awhile...the boys sitting in the puddle with the frog is just priceless!Don't you just love being a Mom! did you get your project done? btw love the color you picked!

  2. Those boys are 100% awesome! Even when covered in mud ;) I did get my shelf painted, there will be a post with the finished pic soon! Thanks Buffy!

  3. Too cute! Some safe, albeit not too clean, fun! They're only young once!

  4. Too true! It was fun watching them throw down in the mud. I knew it was way too tempting, that big ole mud puddle! ;)
