Great news! I have been accepted into the Lemon Poppy Seeds website. I've already got some things added to their wonderful site and they will debut Saturday March 1st. Can you believe March is almost here. We've had seom great 50 degree days. Enough to make you yearn for spring! Check out the site for some wonderful artists.
I've also had time to finish a couple of things. This Americana doll is one of 3 different dolls I got added to my website. There is also and Easter doll and a kitty loven doll.
The other day I was searching for crinkle wire and came across a great site: Victorian Scrapworks I bought some crinkle wire and these wonderful victorian scraps. I have no idea what I am going to do with them yet but the possibilities! And the prices are wonderful. Well that's all I have to report on tonight! ~Heather