After such a nice July, why does August have to be so HOT? My garden has fallen by the wayside do to the pregnancy. I just can't make myself go out in this weather. Just getting the lawn mowed is a feat! Today I am 14 1/2 weeks, but I look like I'm 26 weeks due to the 2 extra ones. My belly came out of nowhere. My imagination can't even fathom how big I'm going to get! Enough about that! Since I'm not going outside this summer, I should have plenty of time to work on my Handmaden stuff right? Well I do work on it when I'm not sleeping anyway. Here are a couple of things I've managed to get done so far.
You can't see, I should have taken pictures of the back, I bought some old cookie cutters to make these ornaments. I needle punched designs to go into the cookie cutter. These are the two designs I've come up with so far.

Here is another one of my new creations. I'm going to try and do quite a few Santa's this year. All different of course. This is just the first one I've gotten done. I've really enjoyed making him. I want to do a bigger one and have an old candle stick light coming out of his bag. Maybe try one in burgundy, and really primitive.

Anyway, that's all I've been up to lately. There's not a lot of extra time when I get done working, after I stuff my face I'm usually ready for bed! But no matter what I wouldn't change this for anything. I can't wait for Jan. and the babies to come! I'm hoping next week at my 16 wk appointment I'll find out the sexes. Then the buying and decorating will begin!