Okay who's as big as a house? ME! And I'm only 27 weeks! What am I going to look like in the end? Maybe I should start working on the the nursery, while I can still stand. I made a trip to Walmart and Target yesterday and bought everything in bulk so hopefully I don't have to go back. I had a couple of other stops but I couldn't make them. I started have braxton hicks in Target so I checked out and went home. On a bright side, I have almost all of my Christmas shopping done! I have the women, nieces and nephews done, just the guys to do. Any suggestions? They are always the hardest. I figured I had better get going on this. If I make my goal of 36 weeks, that's January, I'm not going to be able to do any shopping in Dec! And if the babies come sooner, I wont have much time to do anything! My last check up went great, he has put no restrictions on me yet. I keep thinking one of these times he's going to say, alright, time to slow down, but he never does. I guess I'm doing a good job of knowing when to stop myself and rest. There was a time I didn't know if I would make my baby shower this Saturday, but now I'm pretty confident I'll be there. So that's exciting! And next Saturday is the Handmaden's show, I might even make it to that! Speaking of that, I got a couple more things done. Check them out below...

I only got six of these ornaments done, but I plan on making more for my website in the future. I really like how they turned out. I had covered some styrofoam balls with paper mache last year and never got around to using them for anything, so they worked great for these!

Well that pretty much covers what I've got to say today. Hopefully the next post I'll have nursery pictures to show off. It would be nice to get the crib boxes out of the garage!
I hope everyone has a wonderful Halloween!