Here is my latest paper clay design. It's not a very good photo, the flash washed out all of the detail. I'll have to take a better one before he goes to the sale. It's kind of whimsy "ish". I had the head done and couldn't decide what I wanted to do with it. I thought a candy/cookie jar would be fun, so here he is! I'm still not sold on the plaid bow, but it needed something. The glittery tree is dimensional and sticks out.

And now to the reference in my title. Today at nap time the boys were rowdy, they didn't want to fall asleep. Brileigh obviously wanted to know what was going on.

She pulled down the bumper so she could spy on her brothers through the bars. But unlike her brothers, she was actually tired and fell asleep in spy mode! How cute is that!

And now to the reference in my title. Today at nap time the boys were rowdy, they didn't want to fall asleep. Brileigh obviously wanted to know what was going on.

She pulled down the bumper so she could spy on her brothers through the bars. But unlike her brothers, she was actually tired and fell asleep in spy mode! How cute is that!