I came up with some more stuff for Ebay! I'm really in the cleaning and purging mood. I've got these lamp shades listed for .99¢! They are great for crafting on and the perfect size for a mason jar light.

Speaking of making mason jars into lamps, I've also listed these lamp kits at a starting bid of .99¢! Check out these items and more! I'm also busy on some new Easter items that I will hopefully have done to list next Sunday night.

And I had to share, we had spaghetti tonight, one of our favorites! Brileigh was trying to share with me when I was taking her picture.

Rylan is a very serious eater, and quick he double fists everything. No time for smiles when you're shoveling it in.

Awww Brett, I think the clean up took longer than the cooking and eating...

Speaking of making mason jars into lamps, I've also listed these lamp kits at a starting bid of .99¢! Check out these items and more! I'm also busy on some new Easter items that I will hopefully have done to list next Sunday night.

And I had to share, we had spaghetti tonight, one of our favorites! Brileigh was trying to share with me when I was taking her picture.

Rylan is a very serious eater, and quick he double fists everything. No time for smiles when you're shoveling it in.

Awww Brett, I think the clean up took longer than the cooking and eating...