Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Storms Storms Storms

Okay, so I can't ever remember a year in my past where there have been so many storms. It seems that it is storming and raining more often than not lately. Every night the thunder and lighting roll in and then the rain. The up side, I haven't had to water the lawn, or my flowers. The down side? When am I supposed to mow my jungle??

Okay on a completely different note, I'm watching Wipeout while I type this, so it make take me a while and at times it may not make sense. I'm laughing too hard to type!

I've decided I'm fighting a loosing battle if I am going to try to figure out what my babies want. I mean if Brett wants to lay in his bouncy seat like this to play with his toys, who is his mom to stop him?

On to Brett again, I guess I haven't looked at the back of many peoples heads. But how many people have 2 swirls? Thank goodness it was Brett and not Brileigh that ended up with this unique hairstyle. He was also blessed with a cow lick in the front. His hair is going to be interesting in the future.

I circled the swirls in case you couldn't find them.

And finally, as per my last post, I went to Walnut, Iowa this last weekend. Other than the huge storm we drove through to get there, and the hour we had to wait in the car once we got there for the rain to stop, we had a blast!

I even managed to snag a few things!

I love old salt glazed crocks. I don't have one this size and shape, and at $10 how could I pass it up? Now for a quiz, the little "dumbbell" next to the crock. Can anyone tell me what it is? At first glance I was thinking a child's sock darner, but that's probably not right. Is it a herb crusher? At $4 it's a great addition to my treenware.

I got this awesome trunk for $90! Toy box anyone? Check out the original hinges!

Below the little side tray is a drawer. Have you ever seen one of these? I still haven't figured out where it is going to go, but it wont be long and the babies will have grown out of their swing and bouncers. That will free up a wall.

Well go figure it is starting to thunder. I better go let the dog in. He is so scared of storms. The babies sleep through them, but the dog comes in the bedroom and wakes me up. Go figure...

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

My Little Huskers

We've finally grown in to our Husker shirts! Aren't we cute? Getting bigger by the day!

We have a new experience coming up this week. I'm going on a mini day and a half vacation! My first night away from the kiddos since they've come home! I don't know where you all are from, but every year, Father's Day weekend is the Walnut Iowa flea market. It is so worth the trip! I've gone the past I don't know how many years and always have a blast! With all of the baby things in the house I don't have room for much else, but I'm sure I'll find a couple special things I'll make room for! There will be 5 of us going this year. The more the merrier! I'll post photos of what I bought next week! Til then, ~Heather

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

My 3 Favorite Things

Summer time! The months seem to be flying by! I don't know what happened to Spring, we sort of skipped it. The kiddo's are past 6 months old. They are learning so many things daily. I snapped this picture of the boys. They love to watch each other these days.

On to my 3 Favorite things! A couple years back I went to Universal Studios in Florida with my mom and brother. I saw these jumpers and never forgot about them. When I found out I was expecting triplets I knew I had to have them! The smallest size they had was 6 month. And here we are six months old and they fit perfect!

We had a doctors appointment yesterday. I can't believe how they've grown. They boys are in the 50% for their age and Brileigh is 25%. Not bad for over 2 months early! The boys are actually the exact same weight!

Rylan is 16lb 13oz and 27.25" Tall

Brett is also 16lb 13oz but 26.25" Tall

My little petite daughter is 14lb 10oz and 25.75" Tall

We are starting the teething process so there are grumpy times to deal with. But for now, it's lunch time!